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Schedules of Zoom Classes  for the 2022 Edition

Saturday 7/05/22

2pm-3pm Neuroanatomy - Prof. Oremosu

3pm-4pm Neurophysiology - Prof. Jaja

4pm-5pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 14/05/22

 2pm-3pm Basic Principles of Electricity - Mrs. Anne Falola

3pm-4pm Electrical safety - Mr. Abraham

4pm-5pm Questions & Answers- Participants

Saturday 21/05/22

 2pm-2:30pm History of EEG Technology - Mr. Bankole

2:30-3pm The EEG Technologist: Core Responsibilities - Mr. Amoo

3pm-3:30pm General issues in EEG & organization of EEG service - Mr. Bankole

3:30pm-4pm Scalp preparation & placement - Mr. Ejalonibu

4pm-4:30pm Measurement & applications of 10-20 system -Mr. Amoo

4:30-5pm Question and answers- Participants

Saturday 28/05/22

 2pm-2:45pm EEG Electronic- Mr. Bankole

2:50pm-3:35pm The Neurophysiologic basis of brain electrical discharges - Prof. Danesi

3-40pm-4:25pm Classification of EEG Wave forms - Dr. Odeniyi

4:30pm-5pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 04/06/22

2pm-2:45pm Introduction to An EEG Machine- Mrs Phillips

2:50pm-3:35pm Recording parameters & standard settings - Dr. Ojo

3:40pm-4:25pm Sensitivity filters: epoch/paper speed, voltage setting - Dr ojo

4:30pm-5pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 11/6/22

 2pm-2:30pm Polarity,localization montages - Prof. Ojini

3pm-3:30pm Identifications of Artifacts - Dr Ojo

3:30-4pm Artifacts, troubleshooting while recording - Mr Ejalonibu

Saturday 18/6/22

 2pm - 3pm General medical and EEG terminology - Prof Okubadejo

3pm-4pm International Standard &guidelines for digital EEG recording - Prof Okubadejo

4pm-5pm Questions and Answers - Participants

Saturday 25/6/22

 2pm-2:30pm An orderly approach to EEG - Prof Danesi

2:30-3pm Activation procedures during EEG recording- Mr Bankole

3pm -3:30pm EEG findings after activation with HV, photic stimulations ,sleep  deprivations- Dr Ajabi

 3:30 pm - 4pm Approach to Abnormal EEG- Prof. Onwuekwe

4pm-5pm Questions and answers - Participants

Saturday 2/7/22

2pm-2:30pm EEG in neurological disorders - Prof Onwuekwe

2:30pm-3pm Inter-ital EEG in Epilepsy - Dr. Adikaibe

3pm-3:30pm EEG in Status Epilepticus - Dr. Adikaibe

3:30pm-4pm Ictal EEG in Epilepsy - Dr. Agabi

4pm-5pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 9/7/22 

2pm-2:30pm EEG in Sleep - Prof. Danesi

2:30pm-3pm Neuroscience of sleep - Prof. Danesi

3pm-3:30pm Sleep studies & Organization of sleep Laboratory- Mr. Ejalonibu

3:30pm-4pm Normal EEG Activities in Neonate, infants and children - Prof. Lesi

4Pm-4:30pm Abnormal EEG Activities in Neonate, infants & children- Prof. Lesi

4:30pm-5:30pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 16/7/22

2pm-2:30pm Tips for recording EEG in Neonates, infants & Children- Mr. Bankole

2:30pm-3pm EEG in Epilepsy and Psychosis - Prof. Aina

3pm-3:30pm EEG in Psychotic disorder & Pseudoseizures- Prof. Aina

3:30pm-4:30pm Principles of Nerve Conduction Studies Dr. Agabi

4:30pm-5:30 pm Questions & Answers - Participants

Saturday 23/7/22

2pm-3pm Principles of Electrodiagnostic Technology- EMG- Prof. Ogun

3pm-4pm Principles of Electrodiagnostic Technology-EP - Prof. Ogun

4pm-5pm Questions & Answers Participants

May 6

ANS Free Monthly Education

May 11

Guatemala Training